Webgl Generative Particles

WebGL Generative Particles

This library is a Work In Progress. Feel free to request features, report bugs, or contribute. We aim to keep the APIs stable, though some changes may occur.

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"webgl-generative-particles" is an efficient WebGL-based generative particle system simulator designed for both React and vanilla JS applications. This system follows the mouse pointer, providing interactive and dynamic visual effects. It offers seamless integration with React (including React 18 and beyond) and Next.js, making it an ideal choice for modern frontend development. The simulator is customizable, compatible with various frameworks, and delivers high performance and real-time rendering for progressive web development.

Check out the live demo at - https://webgl-generative-particles.vercel.app/

✅ Fully Treeshakable (import from webgl-generative-particles/react)

✅ Fully TypeScript Supported

✅ Leverages the power of React 18 Server components

✅ Compatible with all React 18 build systems/tools/frameworks

✅ Documented with Typedoc (Docs)

✅ Examples for Next.js, Vite, and Remix

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Using pnpm:

$ pnpm add webgl-generative-particles

Using npm:

$ npm install webgl-generative-particles

Using yarn:

$ yarn add webgl-generative-particles
import { Particles } from "webgl-generative-particles/react";

rgba: [0, 1, 0, 0.5],
export interface ParticlesOptions {
/** Particle Color @defaultValue [1, 0, 0, 1] -> red */
rgba?: [number, number, number, number];
/** Maximum number of particles @defaultValue 100_000 */
maxParticles?: number;
/** Particle generation rate @defaultValue 0.5 */
generationRate?: number;
/** Overlay mode @defaultValue false */
overlay?: boolean;
/** Disable mouse interaction @defaultValue false */
mouseOff?: boolean;
/** Min and max angles in radians @defaultValue [-Math.PI, Math.PI] */
angleRange?: [number, number];
/** Min and max age of particles in seconds */
ageRange?: [number, number];
/** Speed range [minSpeed, maxSpeed] */
speedRange?: [number, number];
/** Initial origin, will update as per mouse position if mouseOff is not set @defaultValue [0, 0] */
origin?: [number, number];
/** Constant force [fx, fy] or a force field texture (Work In Progress) */
forceField?: Vector2D; //| Vector[][] | string;

The concepts in this library were learned from the following blogs and tutorials:

This library is licensed under the MPL-2.0 open-source license.

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with 💖 by Mayank Kumar Chaudhari